Balance diet

What is a Balanced Diet?
Eating a balanced diet means choosing a wide variety of foods and drinks from all the food groups. It also means eating certain things in moderation, namely saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, refined sugar, salt and alcohol. The goal is to take in nutrients you need for health at the recommended levels.

Where to Begin

Two examples of a balanced eating pattern are the USDA Food Guide at and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH Diet).

Both eating patterns emphasize fruits, vegetables and whole grains, as well as low or no-fat dairy products, and lean animal proteins. Fish is recommended at least two times per week, beans, nuts and seeds are encouraged, and unsaturated fats are always the fats of choice - like olive oil.

What About Calories?

Your balanced diet must be planned at your own calorie level, and portion size is key. You want to get the most nutrients for the calories by choosing food with a high-nutrient density. Nutrient-dense foods provide substantial amounts of vitamins and minerals and relatively few calories, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat and fish, and whole grains and beans. Low-nutrient dense foods have few vitamins but lots of calories, such as candy bars, soda, donuts and onion rings.

Sample Meals

A high nutrient-dense lunch would look something like this:

2 slices whole wheat bread
Deli turkey
1 slice roasted red pepper
romaine lettuce
1 tsp mayonnaise
baby carrots
8 oz non-fat milk
A low nutrient-dense lunch would look something like this:

One ground beef hamburger patty
Two hamburger buns
Iceberg lettuce
1 tbsp mayonnaise
1 slice American cheese
Order of French fries, fried in peanut oil
Large regular soda
Candy bar
Know Thyself

What really matters, though, is knowing yourself. You need to make responsible eating choices within the context of your preferences and lifestyle. What are your goals? Which food groups do you like to eat? Which food groups are missing? Do you eat too much sugar, salt and fried food? Which foods are the contributors and what foods can you eat instead? The locus of control rests within you to design the best eating plan for you. Eating healthy takes planning and practice. Keep your balance.

A Differing Opinion

Nutrition guidelines recommend eating a wide variety of foods. But, there's a school of thought that eating variety of foods leads to overeating. There's "the tendency to stay hungry longer and eat more food when flavors are diverse and keep changing", according to Dr. David Katz, who maintains that we "fill up on fewer calories when flavor variety is controlled". You've seen this principle in action when you come home with a load of groceries. Don't you want to sample the wide variety of tasty foods?

A balanced diet and physical work out has a major role in attaining long healthy life. The increasing awareness of effects of foods on health has made us diet conscious and left us confused in the land of nutrition. We want to satisfy our palate and eat healthy as well. This often restricts our food choices.

The major nutrients for the body are protein, carbohydrate, and fat. These provide the body with energy for various functions like beating of heart, activity of muscles and brain. In addition the body needs vitamins, and minerals for it’s optimal functioning.

To get a balanced diet and nutrition it is important to choose foods from all food groups (cereals, pulses, poultry and meat, milk and milk products, fruits and vegetables share the bais of importance of diet plan). Eating a varied diet increases the chances that all your nutrient needs will be met, hence it is very important to take a balance diet. [Read: Balanced diet for Weight Loss]

The importance of balanced diet and nutrition are
Optimal macronutrient intake: Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are the macronutrients that your body needs. They are needed to maintain and regulate the body functions. Most people with average activity should get approximately 50 percent of their total daily calories from carbohydrate, 15 percent to 20 percent come from protein and 30 percent come from a fat source. People who are involved in endurance sports (e.g., long-distance biking or marathon running) should get 60 percent to 70 percent of their total daily calories from carbohydrates.
Total Micronutrients intake: Micronutrients are needed in small quantity but they are needed to maintain and regulate several body functions. Eating a varied diet increases the chances that all your micronutrient (vitamins and minerals) need, will be met. However as most children and youngster are not likely to eat a varied diet---daily multivitamin with mineral supplement may be appropriate. Before starting any supplement consult your doctor as even vitamin and mineral supplements can have side effects if the daily dose exceeds the recommended daily allowance. [Read: Balanced Diet plan for your Child]
Hydration — an important concern: Your body contains about 60-75 percent of water. Even though we do not realize water is an important component of proper nutrition. It is needed for several key functions like regulation of temperature, transport and absorption of nutrients, and elimination of waste products from the body. Feeling of thirst, dry mouth, tiredness, headache and dizziness indicate that you need fluids. If your fluid intake is not adequate it may lead to serious problems such as dehydration. Your fluid intake should be liberal to prevent dehydration—drink six to eight glasses of fluid every day. Fluids intake include not only water but all kinds of beverages, fruits and vegetable juices as well. But water is the best to prevent dehydration. It does not contain empty calories or caffeine. [Read: Balanced diet for Healthy Teeth]
Eat varied diet: A simple and effective way to make sure that you eat a balanced diet is eat foods from all the groups. Aim that every time you eat your plate contains;
                       1. 50 per cent vegetables (if possible of different kinds)
                       2. 25 per cent protein
                       3. 25 percent whole grain (like whole wheat bread, brown rice)                    

Pimples care

Pimple popping is a very common thing to do. Popping a zit may seem harmless but it actually does much more harm than good.
You could be on the most effective acne treatment program possible, but you will not see complete success until you stop your habit of skin picking.
Why is pimple popping so bad?
When you squeeze a pimple (even if you do it carefully), you almost always push some of the contents of the zit deeper inside the follicle.
The follicle can then rupture and spread the zit's contents deep in the skin.
This can cause an increased infection leading to more acne and potential postules and cysts.
The extra irritation you cause ends up promoting further acne to develop, and your skin ends up looking worse in both the short run and the long run.
So just stop picking your skin, easy right?
Well no, for many people it’s not that easy.
Skin picking is a psychological battle. When you’re tempted, always try to remind yourself that people don't notice your zits as much as you think they do and that you will get rid of your acne much faster if you stop touching your face as much as possible.
If constant pimple popping is really an issue of concern for you and is interfering with your daily life, you may suffer from Compulsive Skin Picking.
Compulsive Skin Picking (CSP) is considered an impulse control disorder linked to OCD and it can be very hard to stop on your own. Luckily, there are a number of effective options to help you stop skin picking.

Quick Tips on How to Remove Pimples
Don’t you just hate it when pimple pops out a week, or worse – a day, before an important event? In fact, no one is really safe from a pimple breakout. It is because at some point in your life, you will experience stress which is a cause of pimple. Other causes of pimples are poor hygiene and infection. The area affected appears to be inflamed then develops into a white head containing pus. Pimples may linger for sometime causing you to be uncomfortable. They also leave marks on your skin. But you should not be disheartened since there are a lot of simple ways in which you can speed up the healing process of pimples and getting rid of them totally.
Tip 1: Gentle Washing
Oils and dead skin cells which are not washed off thoroughly can make the appearance of your pimples worse and healing them can be more problematical. In addition, presence of oil and dead skin cells may also worsen acne in the long run. One of the key elements in healing pimples and enhancing the health of your skin is to wash your skin with a gentle cleanser. Facial scrubs, astringents and masks which usually contain strong chemicals should be avoided, according to the Mayo Clinic. It is because they may have irritants which will just worsen the condition of your skin. Wash your skin with mild soap or cleanser, rinse it with lukewarm water then use a soft cloth to pat your skin dry.
Tip 2: Use of Salicylic Acid states that salicylic is frequently found in products used for the treatment of acne. Moreover, the website says that this active ingredient can help in the quick healing of pimples. However, one fall bask of salicylic acid is that it may cause dryness and sensitivity to some people. There are manufacturers which claim that salicylic acid found in their products can dry out pimples in just 8 hours after application.
Tip 3: Try on Toothpaste                                
There aren’t much of scientific basis regarding the use of toothpaste for drying out pimples but recommends its use. According to the website, toothpaste can quickly reduce pimples. You can use it by dabbing a small amount directly on the pimple at night after cleaning your face. Wait for the toothpaste to dry before going to bed so it would not smear or stain you pillow or sheets. You will see that your pimple is less inflamed, if not totally shrunken, upon waking up in the morning.
Tip 4: Make an Aspirin Paste
Aspirin is a blood-thinning medication but it can also be an instant remedy for pimples. You do not have to intake it though. What you need to do is to grind aspirin tablets and pour in a very small amount of water; just enough to make a paste. Dab the aspirin paste directly on your pimple. It is known that aspirin has salicylic acid which helps in drying up pimples.
You no longer have to worry if you get a pimple prior to a social engagement. Just do one of these tips to dry up your pimple in no time and be ready to flaunt your flawless skin.

Pimple popping is a very common thing to do. Popping a zit may seem harmless but it actually does much more harm than good.
You could be on the most effective acne treatment program possible, but you will not see complete success until you stop your habit of skin picking.

Why is pimple popping so bad?

When you squeeze a pimple (even if you do it carefully), you almost always push some of the contents of the zit deeper inside the follicle.
The follicle can then rupture and spread the zit's contents deep in the skin.

This can cause an increased infection leading to more acne and potential postules and cysts.

The extra irritation you cause ends up promoting further acne to develop, and your skin ends up looking worse in both the short run and the long run.

So just stop picking your skin, easy right?

Well no, for many people it’s not that easy.

Skin picking is a psychological battle. When you’re tempted, always try to remind yourself that people don't notice your zits as much as you think they do and that you will get rid of your acne much faster if you stop touching your face as much as possible.

If constant pimple popping is really an issue of concern for you and is interfering with your daily life, you may suffer from Compulsive Skin Picking.

Compulsive Skin Picking (CSP) is considered an impulse control disorder linked to OCD and it can be very hard to stop on your own. Luckily, there are a number of effective options to help you stop skin picking.

We have all had experienced a pimple at some point of our life. And while our first instinct is to pop it, you should not try doing it if you do not know how to pop a pimple. If you have a pimple and would like to know the various facts associated with one, read on!


The skin will have a small inflammation that is red in appearance. It will sometimes have a white surface above the pore due to bacterial contamination.


To clean the pores, the human body increases the blood circulation to the skin area. Here the white blood cells assemble together and try to digest the debris and allow it to drain from the pore.


It is always better to try and prevent a pimple rather than to try and figure out how to get rid of the pimples after they occur. A healthy lifestyle that includes drinking sufficient quantity of water, plenty of fresh air and regular exercise, adequate rest, eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and avoiding undue stress is the key for preventing pimples.


It is necessary to keep the skin clean and free of debris permits the pores on the skin to breathe and thereby naturally cleanses the skin.


It is believed that the reason for pimples is the hormonal imbalances that may take place in an individual and that is the reason it is more commonly observed in teenagers and preteens, as well as adults.

Time frame

Generally, it takes around 4-7 days for a pimple to heal on its own as the body needs to remove the debris and bacteria clogged inside
the pores. You should keep in mind that you should not try to pop it on your own if you do not know how to pop a pimple as this can cause the bacteria to become embedded a lot deeper into the skin. This can eventually result in serious infection.


If your pimples do not seem to resolve on their own and becomes a serious issue in the form of cysts or pustules, then you should consult a dermatologist or internist to ensure that your pimples are not due to some underlying diseases.

I hope that was everything you wanted to know about pimples. Have a good day!
Stressing before the first day of school? New outfit, new haircut, new lipstick and, sadly, a new pimple. But don’t let a little blemish bring you down! Before you go popping-happy, see what Dr. Jeanine B. Downie, M.D., of Image Dermatology, has to say about those sudden pimples that always seem to rear their ugly head right before a momentous occasion in your life.

When it comes to your skin, it’s a testy relationship. But if you take the time to understand it and treat it right, the results may please you. Dr. Downie gave us her skin do’s and don’ts below:

 What is the biggest misconception about pimples?

A common misperception is that you just have to deal with acne. That is not the case! Everyone’s acne must be treated differently and with the variety of treatments available your dermatologist can help identify the best course of treatment for you.

Is it really THAT bad to pop a pimple? How does it make it worse?

Squeezing or picking your blemishes – with fingernails, pins, or anything else – can force bacteria deeper into the skin, causing greater inflammation and infection. You will also increase the damage to the surrounding skin, meaning you may be more likely to have a permanent acne scar.

If you aren’t normally prone to acne, what is the best remedy to get rid of a pesky pimple quickly?

First and foremost do not pick at a pimple. This will only cause greater inflammation and irritation making it more noticeable. For the occasional pimple I recommend cleansing the skin and using an over the counter topical treatment that includes salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Even if you are not normally prone to acne, I still recommend that you see your dermatologist regularly as they can help you address your specific skin care needs, including the occasional pimple. Before you are tempted to skip going to your dermatologist, please remember even one pimple can scar you.

Why is it that pimples always seem to pop up right before a big event?! Is there any secret method to preventing a breakout?

It does seem that acne has a way of showing up in time for big events like weddings, class reunions, birthdays, etc. We know that stress and hormone fluctuations can cause acne, so it is likely that the stress caused by planning and preparing for a big event may contribute to this. My advice for big events is to speak with your dermatologist well in advance. We can work with you to prescribe the right medication to help prevent breakouts. For many of my female patients I prescribe treatments like ACZONE because it is lightweight and non-drying so it can be easily worn under make-up. Stress may flare up acne, but exercise combats stress. I recommend incorporating exercise into your routine at least 4 times a week.

What is your number one DO and DON’T when it comes to skin?

Always wear sunscreen! Skipping sunscreen can not only increase your risk of skin cancer, but it can also increase acne scarring and can age your skin. The best tool anyone can have in their skin care arsenal is a broad spectrum sunscreen with UVA/UVB coverage. When it comes to your skin do not go it alone. Your dermatologist is your friend, at the very least be sure to make and keep an annual appointment. During your annual appointment we will do a full mole check and can address all of your skin care questions and concerns.


1)Take one teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon mix well and keep inthe fridge for a night use it the next day and wash after 15 mins ...removes pimples really fast          
2)Apply fresh puthina juice in your face its just look like a fresh and it clean your pimples.         
3)Take some tulasi leaves and in this add some little bit of water grind it like a smooth paste. Apply it on the pimples
 4)Apply Benzoyl Peroxide ointment on the face after wash and before going to bed. It will take nearly 3 to 4 weeks to show results however, would considerably reduce your pimple problem.
6) Apply tomato pulp , Use daily . keep for 1 hr for good complextion , remove pimples         
7) apply the mixture of egg white and 3drops of will prevents our face from pimples and also gave a glow to the skin..if you apply it for 3days will get a good result
 8)avoid doing massages and facials if you have pimples         
 aaply orange peel on your pimples & see change within 2 applys
 make a paste by mixing mint leaves, tulsi leaves as well as neem leaves and a spoon of honey and rosewater and apply it on d face till it dries...ul get d perfect results.
 9) if medicated products erytop-heals acne retino A and tyrobit DS works very well too. (but always have a word with ur respective doctor b4 using dese products)
 10) Make a paste of kayam churna wid mulatani miti drops of honey and rosewater to reduce acne.
 eat healthy and look glowy...